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SC 2018 Winter Gathering

This past Saturday about 50 folks from 19 different parishes gathered together in West Haven to pray, break bread, talk, and to listen for the voice of the Spirit. The energy in the room was palpable, especially during moments when Bishop Ian said "God is good" and the entire room replied joyfully responded "All the time!" Within the context of a Eucharist, we spent time dwelling in the word of God, imagining with Bishop Laura what it means to be a parish, praying for ourselves, the world, and others, imagining with Canon Tim what it means to be a region in the new missional age, and sharing the bread and cup. As we moved through the day people asked questions like, "Who is hungering now and how is God opening our hearts?" "How to we bring joy into the Church and the world?" And we asked bold questions about who we are as a people following God and what tools would help us to deepen our relationship with Christ. Bishop Ian discussed five s...

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