Convention 2017: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

If I'm being totally honest, advent started a little early in my house this year, which basically means listening to O Come, O Come, Emmanuel on repeat. With news stories rolling in constantly about the corruption ruling the powers and principalities of this age, human suffering on massive scales, the devastation of the earth through climate change, I think I've been awaiting the coming of Christ, the Just Judge, and little more eagerly than usual. It feels as if ever there were a time that the world needed saving it would be today.

The realities of the times and the real and present hope of Christ were both swirling around the tables, conversations, and resolutions at this year's annual Convention. The resolutions reflected the many levels of brokenness and attempts for reconciliation that are widespread in the United States - resolutions about race and racism, climate change, and gender language. Floating around the room throughout the two days were people wearing buttons declaring "Black Lives Matter" and "Dismantle Racism." Bishop Ian's address focused on three main areas of ministry that seem to be emerging here in Connecticut - opioid addiction, economic division, and climate change. (to watch Bishop Ian's TED talk click here). At every level of conversation and consideration those present for convention discussed and prayed over these places of brokenness and imagined how we might begin to move forward together as Episcopal Christians.

For one hour during the convention the South Central region gathered in a room to listen to stories of what stirrings of the Spirit have been present in the region since last convention, to pray with each other, and to write a collect (see below) for prayer across our communities. After listening to stories from the region each person in the room was encouraged to pair up and prayerfully listen to each other answer three simple questions: what is breaking your heart? who inspires you? what brings you fully alive? (written by Rev. Leng Lim) As we moved through those questions the Spirit moved in the tears, smiles, and sighs of all of those present. Christ was vibrantly, present.

Perhaps this sacred space that began at convention with the conversations, buttons, resolutions, and talks has helped pave the way for advent in my heart - and maybe in yours as well. Being able to sit in a space that is at the same time deeply and painfully aware of the brokenness of life and also joyously and powerfully embodying the Truth that God pulls all creation into a righteousness sweetness beyond our imagining, seems to be an appropriate way to start this period of expectant waiting for the coming of Christ. Many blessings on your community's journey ever closer to the incarnate One this advent season.

South Central Region Collect

Most Holy, Compassionate, and Ever-living One,
In whose image we are all made,
Do not allow your Holy Spirit to pass by the South Central Region,
but let your listening and Holy Spirit be present with us;
reach into us and heal our brokenness;
empower us with discerning and listening hearts
to follow your will,
so that we may be the Church you want us to be
as we love and serve you in the world,
through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


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